Thursday, February 25, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

During Fundations we did a word family game on Starfall. We did words that end in –ig, -at, and -in. (Ginger)

For morning job we colored our page with soda, coffee, and juice and at the end of the day we did our egg experiment. We brushed the eggs. The red egg turned a little orange. The coffee egg was cracked. The stain didn’t really come off. The soda egg was a lighter brown. (Lyrik)

We did writing. We were finishing our books. We were adding more colors and words. We talked about if it was a 1, 2, 3, or 4. Four was the best. (Andrew) We used a rating scale of writing examples for our best work!

We did our math workstations for math. (Jayden)

We did the Pledge of Allegiance and we announced the Cougar with Integrity. It was Sylus. (Connor)

We did a read aloud. We read Moose’s Loose Tooth. His tooth came out at the end of the story. (Mikayla)

We sorted healthy food that was good for our teeth and unhealthy food like candy. There was a happy white tooth and a sad yellow tooth. (Layla)

Our special was library. We chose new books. We went to the computer lab. (Evan and Dylan)

No school tomorrow! Also, you don’t need to sign and return the grade cards. There are no bi-weekly updates this week because of the grade cards.

Have a great weekend!