Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Our 100th day of school is Thursday. (Layla) Don’t forget to bring in your collection of 100 things by Thursday!

We wrote who was in our story for writing. We added labels to our picture. If we got finished we wrote in our writing folders. (Andrew)

We did Fundations. We did our big cards and our little cards and our vowel chart. And Miss Tappana was teaching. (Kate)

We did our 100 poem. It is like a song. Our word is “is”. We talked about some repeating words. (Ginger)

We read The Three Snow Bears. (Lyrik)

We watched the video of the groundhog. It is going to be an early spring. It is groundhogs day. (Lyrik) Happy Groundhog Day!

We had music. (Sophia)

For math we did a fun game where we split a number in half to make equal numbers. We split numbers like 10 and 14. (Sophia)

We forgot to mention it to the kids, but tomorrow Mrs. Hotchkiss will be gone for a professional development meeting. I (Miss Tappana) will be the substitute in charge of the kids tomorrow, so feel free to let them know ahead of time! If you have any changes in transportation after school, please email me and let the office know as well! Thank you!

I will be sending out the daily email tomorrow as well, so make sure you look for the email from me instead of Mrs. Hotchkiss. Thank you!

Enjoy your Tuesday Night!