Monday, November 9, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We talked about the food groups. At snack, we read a book about eating healthy foods. (Andrew and Layla)

We did our classroom rules. (Jayden)

We did Fundations. We did the letters e and r. (Evan)

We did library. (Owen)

After library, we are going to go in Mrs. Flanagin’s room. We might go outside or we might do something fun! (Ginger)

We did our Weekend News for writing. (Kate)

In Fundations we wrote e and r in our Fundations book. (James)

As part of our health curriculum, we are doing a nutrition unit until Thanksgiving break.  On Tuesday, Nov. 24 we will have a healthy foods Thanksgiving feast. If you would like to donate items for this please sign up using this link!

Tomorrow we will make our friendship fruit salad! Please send in your fruit with your child tomorrow!

Have a great night!