Thursday, November 12, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did math time. We played Compare Dots for math. (Jayden and Sylus)

We went to P.E. We danced a lot in P.E. (Malai and Evan)

Nurse Shannon gave us a coloring page about germs. She had a special lotion that she put on us. We had to wash our hands to see if we could get them clean. We sang the ABC’s while we washed our hands. (Layla and Sophia)

We did writing. We wrote about vegetables. We drew them. We picked 2 vegetables we liked. (Mikayla)

We watched a video about germs. (Andrew)

We did math workstations. (Kate)

For Fundations we played Guess My Word. We had to guess word wall words. Some were 2 letters and some were 3 letters. (Kate)

We played Hang Mouse on the SmartBoard. (Connor) This is a great game your child can play at home to practice No-Excuse words! You can get to it from my website. Here is the link!

We did our poem. We highlighted word wall words. (Dylan)

For Fundations we did our little cards and our big cards. (Sophia)

No school tomorrow!

See you at Parent Teacher Conferences! Have a great weekend!