Thursday, November 19, 2015

Hi parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did Fundations. Some kids helped with Echo the Owl and Baby Echo. One friend got to lead the vowel chart. (Mikayla)

We did math. We played Racing Bears. (Logan)

We played a game similar to Quick Eyes but it had a 5 frame. There were circles in the boxes. If it was all filled up it had 5. (Evan)

We sorted food pictures by putting them in the right food group. (Layla)

We did writing time. We wrote about healthy foods we like. (Kate)

We did our poem. We talked about things we are thankful for. Our word is the word “for”. (Ginger)

For Daily 5 we picked new choices. (Sophia)

We did P.E. In P.E. we got to dance. They were hard. (Owen and Andrew)

We read a book about Thanksgiving. (Lyrik)

We did magnet boards. We had to read a word wall word to get a magnet board. (Sylus)

Tomorrow is Sports Day! Your child can wear sports apparel for their favorite team!