Thursday, November 5, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did math workstations. (Jayden and Owen)

We spelled word wall words. We did 12 words. Mrs. Hotchkiss said a word and we tried to spell it. Mrs. Hotchkiss covered it up so we couldn’t see it on the word wall. (Sylus)

We did Daily 5 and it was shorter. (Andrew)

We had a short day today. (Layla)

We had a long Fundations. We did our Fundations whiteboards. We did our Fundations notebooks. We did skywriting. We did the big cards and the little cards. We traced the smart board letters. (Ginger)

We did the calendar. (Connor)

We did our Morning Buzz. We talked about what we are going to do after our short day of school. (Kate)

We did Morning Meeting. (Mikayla)

We did blacktop recess. (Evan)

Tomorrow is our Flu Shot clinic!

Have a great night! Go Tigers!