Monday, September 8, 2014

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to the library. We got to check out a book. (Livi and Anna)

We went to recess. (Randy)

We did our letter cards on the tree. (Rilen) This is part of our “Fun”dations word study time! We are working on letter names, sounds, and using keyword pictures to help us remember this information.

We did a circle hunt. (Kate)

We did Emily’s Me Bag. (Cordae)

We met Baby Echo. (Adeline) I use Baby Echo (a little owl on a pointer) during “Fun”dations time to have the kids echo and practice letters and sounds.

We practiced plane line, grass line, and sky line. (Emily) These are some of our “Fun”dations handwriting lines. We practiced “sky writing” b and f today. For example, b started at the sky line, went down to the grass line, then went back up to the plane line before going around to the grass line. This language structure is used to help with letter formation.

We did Daily 5. We were reading books. (Lexi B) Make sure to check out the “Our Classroom” page of my website to read more about our reading workshop routine, The Daily 5

For writing we wrote about what we did over the weekend. (Lexie T) We are continuing to work on drawing detailed pictures with realistic colors and started incorporating labels into our pictures this week!