Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hi Parents!

We had P.E. (Zain)

We did our last page of our One and Only Me book. It was about our favorite toy. (Adeline)

We made shapes with pretzels and marshmallows. (Randy)

We did a test with Nurse Shannon. (Crimson) The Kindergarteners had their hearing and vision screenings today.

We did inside recess. (Pritish)

We read Baby Bear’s Books. (Livi) We talked about good fit books!

We did Lexi’s Me Bag. (Kate)

We made our rhombus into something new. Some of us made it into a kite. (Emily and Rilen)

We read for 7 minutes. (Aidin)

We got a new book for our book box. (Brock)

There has been some confusion about our Fundraiser due date. The final day to turn it in is next Wednesday the 17th!

We are need of basket donations for Fun Fest! Please send in your Lego Lover contributions as soon as you can!

Our recess time is early in the day. As the weather gets cooler, please send your child with a light jacket to wear outside! If the temperature is below 60 degrees, I like to make sure they have some sort of light jacket.
