Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to music. (Pritish)

We did my Me Bag and I let people see my B bear and Ninja Turtle. (Cordae)

We played outside and ate lunch. (Zain and Kate)

We read a shapes book. (Brooke)

Isabelle came over to read a book. It was First Day Jitters. (Kate and Anna)

We painted our hands to make something special for our grandparents. (Lexi B. and Rilen)

We read from our book boxes. (Livi) We are working on building our “Read to Self” stamina! Today we read for 3 minutes!

We drew pictures for our grandparents. (Riley)

Mrs. Hotchkiss read a book about being Bombaloo. (Kamri) In the book, a little girl named Katie loses her temper wants to use her feet and her fists instead of her words. She’s Bombaloo! Being Bombaloo can be scary! With a little time to calm down and think about why she’s mad and a little love from her mother, Katie feels like herself again! We used this book to talk about what we can do if we get angry or frustrated at school!

We did a shapes song. (Blair)


Tomorrow is Grandparent’s Day! This event will start with refreshments in the commons and special guests can come into the classroom starting at 9 a.m.! The event will last 1 hour. The class will be making a family tree project and will have a few minutes to show their special guest(s) around the classroom.

Looking for parent volunteers who would like to help with a class painting project the morning of September 12th. We will be working on a Kindergarten cooperation banner to hang in the commons. Please let me know if you are interested in helping!

Time to start thinking about our class raffle basket for the Cougar Fun Fest.  For those of you who are new to our school, each class decides on a theme for our class raffle basket.  The Fun Fest committee will be delivering boxes to all of the classrooms early next week and ask that we work with our class parents to help get donations brought in.  Then on Monday, September 22nd, PTA will come around and collect all of our items.  The committee will then assemble your "basket" and it will be on display all day and evening on Friday, October 3rd for the Fun Fest.  They sell raffle tickets and students and families will drop tickets in to the basket(s) that they want.  At the end of the evening, PTA draws out tickets and we have lots of winners!  Our class basket theme is “Lego Lovers”! Please feel free to donate items that fit with this theme! Examples would be The Lego movie, Lego books, Lego games, Lego sets and models, etc.
