Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to music. (Emily)

We learned about a rhombus. (Kamri)

We used play-doh to make shapes like triangles. (Randy)

We met Pepper, Ms. Mielke’s dog. (Adeline) Ms. Mielke is our school counselor!

We went shape hunting! (Anna)

We did Kate’s Me Bag. (Cordae)

We read a book called The Best Place to Read. (Crimson and Kate) We talked about good places to read for “Read to Self” time. We read for 6 whole minutes today!!

We wrote Kate’s name on the white boards. (Livi)

We wrote about our favorite color. (Lexi B)

Ms. Mielke read a book about manners at school. (Cordae)

Have a great evening!!