Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to P.E. (Emily)

We did math. We traced the shapes. We played Trace the Face. (Kate and Blair)

We got to see what a pumpkin looks like. (Riley)

We echoed new letters with Echo the Owl. They were c and o. (Lexi B.)

We did closing meeting. Mrs. Hotchkiss is typing for our parents. (Rilen)

We read a book about pumpkins. (Anna)

We did Fundations. We traced the letters with our fingers. (Zain)

We did the letters with Baby Echo. (Pritish)

We wrote about something we did over the weekend. (Livi)

We did an experiment. We saw which shapes could roll and which ones couldn’t. (Tristan)

The kids also had a creativity lesson with Mrs. Cardetti from the Gifted Department. She will be coming a few times this year to work with the students!

Preordered Cougar Fun Fest tickets are coming home today along with an October specials calendar (also on the website).

Tomorrow I will have a substitute because I will be at a conference along with some other teachers in the building. Please call the office with any changes in transportation. Today we talked about being “flexible” and “going with the flow” when there is a sub. There will not be a closing meeting email tomorrow.

Field Trip Volunteers: If you signed up to be a parent volunteer for the field trip this Friday please bring a blanket for the kids to eat on during our lunch picnic if you can! I am also looking for a cooler for school lunch milks and a wagon for pumpkins. If you have either of these things and can bring them please respond to this email! The cooler would need to be brought to school and the wagon could meet us there. I am also looking for a parent volunteer to transport the sack lunches to Peach Tree Farms in our lunch tub. Thank you!