Thursday, December 19, 2019

Hi parents!

Here is what we did today!!

We had blacktop recess. (George)

We made something special for mom and dad. (Jackson)

We had music. We watched a video. We could lay down. (Logan and Cora)

We did math workstations. (Jesse)

Today is crazy sweatshirt day. (Avie)

For math we were on the calculators. We pressed numbers. We played with it. We could play with them at play time. (Presley)

We had our pizza party. We had juice boxes. It was at lunch time. (Sarah)

We did the weather. It was in the blue. (Logan)

We did the calendar. Today is December 19th. (Leo and Zellie)

We wrapped the presents that we made for our parents. (Phoebe)

We read a book about reindeer. It was a non-fiction book. It said real things about reindeer. (Cora)

Hope to see you tomorrow at the winter party at 2:20 pm!

If you haven’t sent in a traditions email we still have time to share some tomorrow! It has been fun learning about so many different traditions!! Here is the blurb from he original email…
We are going to be learning about the holiday traditions of families in our class!  Take a moment to talk with your child about the holidays you celebrate and the traditions your family has each year.  We'd love to hear what special traditions your family has at this time of year!  With your child, send our class an e-mail about the things your family does each year.  We will use these e-mails to spark conversations about different holiday customs our families have.  It would also be wonderful if you include a picture or two!

Have a wonderful night!!