Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did closing meeting. (Ellen)

We did project. We put the parts of the Gingerbread Boy in the right order. We read the book called The Gingerbread Boy. We talked about some of the words in the book. (Presley and George)

We went outside. (Jackson)

We played Guess My Number on whiteboards. (Caleb)

We did library. (Cora)

We did a word family. We did words that rhyme with flag. (Phoebe)

I was the teacher assistant. (Caleb)

We did writing. (Cora)

Just a reminder if you haven’t sent it in already….we are going to be learning about the holiday traditions of families in our class!  Take a moment to talk with your child about the holidays you celebrate and the traditions your family has each year.  We'd love to hear what special traditions your family has at this time of year!  With your child, send our class an e-mail about the things your family does each year.  We will use these e-mails to spark conversations about different holiday customs our families have.  It would also be wonderful if you include a picture or two! Please send this email by Monday. December 16th!
