Friday, December 13, 2019

Hi parents!

Here is what we did today! Check out the pictures and videos on Class Dojo!!

We found the Gingerbread Man! Mr. Miles found him! We ate him during snack time. We also watched The Gingerbread Cowboy book during snack. (Cora)

Our Gingerbread Man left a note on the Smartboard. We saw his crumbs and candies. (Presley)

We had play time. (Caleb)

Today we celebrated Evie’s birthday and she passed out candy canes. (Jackson)

Our Gingerbread Man rolled around in icing and sprinkles! (Sarah)

For read aloud Mrs. Hotchkiss read The Ninjabread Man. (George)

For project we wrote about how to catch the gingerbread man. (Logan)

We hung up our missing posters. (Caleb)

We did the calendar. (Presley)

For math we rolled 1 or 2 and whatever number we got we had to cover. (Sarah)

So much fun! Make sure to email in your family traditions and send in a couple bucks for the pizza party next week! Thank you! Have a wonderful weekend!!