Thursday, December 12, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today! We had a very eventful day! Make sure to check Class Dojo for lots of fun pictures and videos!

We lost the Gingerbread!! He ran away. (Jackson and Avie)

We read The Gingerbread Baby! (Olivia)

We tried to find the Gingerbread! We are hungry! Mrs. Gail tried to catch him, but she couldn’t. He made a mess on her! (Cora)

We took our Gingerbread to Mrs. Gail. She put it in her oven. (Caleb)

We found lots of clues from the Gingerbread kid. (Jesse)

We did the Snowball Shoppe. We had 5th grade helpers. (Logan)

We made gingerbread ornaments. We used a tool to scratch off the details we wanted. (Presley and Avie)

We watched the older kids sing and it was a choir concert. It was good! (Cora)

We also had counselor today with Mrs. Baker! She talked about what we can do when we are mad (take a drink, count to 5, ask for a hug, etc.)

We made missing posters for our Gingerbread Kid that we will hang up in the halls tomorrow! Hopefully we can find him! 😉

Have a great night!