Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did the rules. (Avie)

We made a circle into something. (Phoebe)

We did P.E. (Presley)

We did the calendar. (Cora)

Lux got a kindness award! (Logan)

We did math workstations. (George)

We did Work on Writing. Mrs. Hotchkiss showed us the wrong way. (Caleb)

We did Fundations. We wrote r and e. (Leo and Jackson)

We had a play time at the end of the day. It was short. (Presley)

We did Fundations whiteboards. (Sophie)

We did the life cycle of a pumpkin and read a book about it. My favorite page had a big stack of pumpkins! (Sarah)

For writing we did our favorite food. (Presley)

We did read aloud at math. It was about shapes. (Liam)

We did the temperature. It was in the green. (Avie)

Please have kids return their library books tomorrow in preparation for Friday’s library checkout!

Fun Fest ticket preorders are coming home this week! Many are coming home today.

Friday is MU Spirit Day! Have your student wear their MU Tigers gear or black/gold! Hats or tiger ears are ok to wear too!

On Friday a form will come home about Parent Teacher Conferences! Make sure you fill this out and return it to me ASAP!

Please return Peach Tree Farms field trip forms ASAP as well! Parents are welcome to attend! Just attach $5 and make sure your background check is complete!

Have a wonderful night!