Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today at school!

Today we got 100 Cougar Tickets! (Presley) We will vote on how to celebrate tomorrow!

We did art. We made money. (Phoebe)

We did Daily 5 choices. (Avie)

In math we guessed how many were in our bag. We sorted candy corn. (Zellie and Caleb)

We did math workstations. (Sophie)

We did closing meeting. (Lux)

We did morning meeting. (Evie)

We did writing. We wrote “I like” sentences about Halloween. We wrote some sentences on the chart paper. (Cora and George)

We did Fundations. We did magnet boards. (Logan and Ellen)

Today the temperature was in the blue. It was closing to the freezing point. (Sarah)

We did the Zero the Hero Stomp because it was the 50th day of school. (Presley)

We did word games. (Logan)

We did the calendar. (Sarah)

We read Skeleton Meets Mummy. (George)

Tomorrow is our Fall Celebration with Books and our pizza party! Your student does not need to bring a lunch unless you would like them to eat something other than pizza!

If a parent would like to come and help with the pizza party tomorrow (10:30 am) please reply to this email!

For tomorrow, your child may wear a costume to school (book characters encouraged). No masks, scary make-up, wigs, weapons or props--anything that could be a distraction. The costume must be something that can be worn all day.  Tennis shoes are encouraged. Since the focus is on reading your child can bring a favorite book or two from home as well as a small stuffed animal (it needs to be able to fit in the backpack).

Have a great night!