Friday, October 25, 2019

Hi parents!

Here is what we did today!

We got to see all the animals. We saw a big catfish and the bunny town. We fed the animals. (Sarah and Leo)

We went on a field trip. (Lux)

Some of our parents came. We did a hayride. (George)

We rode on a bus. (Presley)

Today was my birthday! (Caleb)

We did closing meeting and pack up for home. (Sophie and Cora)

We had P.E. (Logan)

We got pumpkins! (Jackson)

We had a fire drill. (Ellen)

We had lunch at the field trip. (Presley)

We got to go through the hay maze. Everyone was screaming in there! (Sarah)

We did the weather. (Phoebe)

We did the corn pit! (Zellie)

We had snack. It was Caleb’s birthday snack. (Logan)

We had library checkout. (Presley)

Thank you to all the parents who volunteered! You helped make it a fun and stress free field trip!! The kids had a great time!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!