Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had Makerspace. We made towers of Legos. We watched a video about different towers. We tested them like there was an earthquake. (Lux and George)

We had art. We made sculptures. Mr. Gwinner read a book to us. (Avie, Leo, and Olivia)

We made fall trees. (Logan)

We did our scrambled sentences pumpkin page. (Presley)

We did math workstations. (Leo)

We did closing meeting. (Cora)

We went outside. (Jackson)

We did Fundations. We did the letters p and j. (Presley and Logan)

We did a book about the colors of fall. (Phoebe and Sophie)

We did our rules. (Presley)

The teacher assistant today was Avie. (Sarah)

If your student comes home with a certificate for a free meal to Panera or McAlister’s it is because I am trying to recognize kids who show kindness throughout the day! I gave out several today!

On October 30th we will be having our fall celebration of books! On this day I would love to have some parent guests in the room! I’ve had a few parents volunteer but I would love a few more!!
If you would like to read a book, lead a fun craft for the class, or create/send in a special snack for the kids please let me know! For example, I had a parent come in last year and create edible spiders with the kids. A snack and craft all in one! Let me know if you would like to be a part of this day and what you would like to do! I would love to fill the day with lots of fun things! Thanks!!

Next Friday the 25th is Heavenly Hats Day at Mill Creek.  Your students may pay $1 or more to wear a hat.  All proceeds will go to the Heavenly Hats Foundation. 

Hope to see you at Fun Fest tomorrow!!

Have a great night!