Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had music. We played a game called Quiet Ball. (Rylan)

We did a pumpkin project. We labeled it with stem, leaf, and seeds. (Caroline and Evalynn)

We played outside. (Abby)

We went to lunch. (Azayla)

We are having snack. (James)

We read our pumpkin poem. (Parker)

We read It’s Pumpkin Time. (Will M.)

We had Fundations. We did the letters n and m. We wrote on the whiteboards. (Aster and Adalynn)

In writing we did the color of our house. (Caroline)

We did math. We read 10 Little Fish. We had cubes and a blue piece of paper. You had to put the cubes on the paper. We practiced counting them. (Hayden) We practiced taking scattered cubes and organizing them in a way to make them easier to count (in a line, putting them in the bag as we count them, etc.)

We did math workstations. (Will C.)

If you are a parent coming on the field trip on Friday, please bring a blanket for our picnic lunch! Cross your fingers for no rain!!

Our class earned 100 Cougar Tickets! We are celebrating on Monday, October 15th with a movie and popcorn party! If your student has a favorite movie that we could borrow please send it in and we will vote on our favorite to watch! Our classroom is being painted on this day so it will be a very low key day. We have to use a different classroom while it is being painted.   

Have a great night!!