Thursday, October 18, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Mrs. Baker came! She talked about bullying. (Kennedy)

I was the teacher assistant. (Abby)

We had P.E. We did a little baby race. We also did crab walks. (Aster and Adalynn)

We went to lunch. (Azayla)

We got a book to put in our book box. (Evalynn)

We did our poem. (Maya)

We did Fundations. We wrote on our whiteboards. We used Echo the Owl and did our letters.  (James and Parker)

Rose is here today! (Henry)

For math today, we dumped a cup of 10 counters and colored what we got. We did an earthquake drill. (Stella) We worked on finding combinations of 10 using a tens frame!

We did Daily 5. (Hayden)

Tomorrow is black and gold day in honor of Mizzou’s homecoming!

Have a great night!