Friday, October 26, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We made candy corns with our 4th grade buddies. (Will C.)

We are going to art. We are doing snack and closing meeting before art. (Rylan)

We did morning buzz. (James)

We did Daily 5. (Maya)

After art we are going to the assembly. We get to do a pig race! (Abby)

We did Fundations. We wrote c and o on our Fundations boards. (Kennedy)

We read our book The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything. (Hayden)

We highlighted our poem. (Aster)

We did math. We did our 7 and 8 pages. (Evalynn and Parker)

We did the Zero The Hero Stomp. We have been in school for 50 days. (Azayla)

We did math workstations. (Adalynn)