Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did a craft and glued on fall pictures. (Maya)

We went to library. We got books. (James and Aster)

We went to lunch. (Azayla)

Mrs. Zapata came! She taught us about vegetables. (Rylan)

We did the calendar. (Parker)

We did the poem. I got to point to the words! (Hayden)

We did Fundations. We wrote u and i. We colored u and i. (Henry and Kennedy)

We had Daily 5. (Adalynn)

We read Halloween Jack. (Stella)

We talked about the words in our book (A Tree for all Seasons). (Abby)

We did the book with the words. It was about fall and the 4 seasons. (Evalynn and Caroline)

Friday is Black and Gold day! Have a great night!!