Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We have an assembly. It is going to be a storyteller. (Brooklynn and Dempsey)

We did writing. We wrote a card to our cooks. (Isaac)

We are going to do P.E. (Wilson)

We did read aloud. We read Mercy Watson. Mrs. Hotchkiss gave her 2 little Mercy Watsons to Sky and Wilson to hold. In the book, the floor under Mr. and Mrs. Watson’s bed cracked. Mercy Watson jumped out of bed to get some toast. She couldn’t find any. She went to the neighbor’s house and the big sister didn’t like Mercy Watson and thought pigs should not live in houses. Baby Lincoln likes Mercy Watson. (Maclyn)

We did morning meeting. I was the line leader. It is my 2nd day. (Xander)

We did math. We played Counters in a Cup. Last time we used 10 and this time we used 8. You have a cup and you put some counters in it. The other person closes their eyes. Whenever they are done counting to 10. They have to figure out how many are in the cup. (Brooklynn)

We did Daily 5. (Britt)

We did the poem. It is called My Mom. (Blake)

Have a great night!!