Friday, May 11, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!!

We did library. We played on the computers. We didn’t check out books. (Isaac) The kids are done checking out books for the year.

It was inside recess. (Dempsey)

We did math. We played a game called Dot Addition. How you play it is you have these little cards with dots on them. If there was 6 on your game board you try to find a way to make 6. On the 2nd round you find another way to make 6. (Brooklynn)

We did writing. We made something with popsicle sticks but it’s a surprise. (Britt)

For read aloud today we finished the 2nd Mercy Watson book. It was a whole bunch of pages. We moved on to the 3rd Mercy Watson book. It is called Mercy Watson Fights Crime. There was a robber that was stealing the Watson’s things. Mercy thought the robber was making toast. (Maclyn)

We did Daily 5. (Ismael)

We did our poem. We got to put it in our poetry folder and we got to highlight the word mom. We were comparing things to our moms. Like my mom is as pretty as a flower. It is called a simile. (Emma)

On Monday we are going to have Field Day. We can wear hats and sunglasses if we want. (Blake) Field Day is this Monday the 14th (rain date is Tuesday). The students will do lots of fun activities outside first thing in the morning for about an hour and a half. There are a couple games involving water. A swimsuit is not needed but an extra pair of clothes is a good idea (just in case). Please have students apply sunscreen before coming to school. Also please try not to be tardy since we will go outside right at 8:30 am. Thanks!! It will be lots of fun!!

There are only 7 more days of school. (Brooklynn)

Thank you SO much for all the wonderful teacher appreciation goodies! I loved all the wonderful handmade cards and letters from the kiddos! My “Super Teacher” book and cape are so cute! I also really appreciate the gift cards and gifts! You all are so generous! I am blown away! I am so lucky to have such wonderful students and supportive families! I have been so blessed this year! Thank you again! \

Have a great weekend and happy mother’s day to all the mamas!