Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did P.E. We played a game where you had to knock down pins. If you knock down all the pins you win! If the other side gets one of your pins they put it on their side. We played PacMan tag. (Isaac and Xander)

We did morning meeting. We did the weather and the weather report was Maclyn. The temperature was 72 degrees and the high was 82 degrees. (Joshua)

We did math. We played a game called Dice Subtraction. How you play it is you have a tens frame. You roll 2 dice. The bigger number you would start with for your subtraction sentence. Then you would take away. Whoever has the lowest answer got to put an X on their tens frame. If you and your partner had the same number then you both get to put an X on your tens frame. (Brooklynn and Ismael)

We did Daily 5. It was a long Daily 5. We skipped writing. (Dempsey)

We did a sort. We sorted non-living things and living things. (Carmel Grace)

We did read aloud. Mrs. Hotchkiss read us a book called Living and Non-living. It showed us what things are living and non-living. It had real pictures of things. (Maclyn)

We did Fundations. We did word families and it was -am. (Britt)

Color Run Information!!
Shirts are coming home today! Kids must wear their shirt to participate in the Color Run! I encourage you to have them wear it to school on Friday!
After school we will have the kids go to the blacktop and sit by grade level. We will have one teacher help supervise our grade level on the blacktop. 
We plan to start promptly at 3:45.  We will line the kids up on the west side of the blacktop (starting with 5th and ending with K).  The kids will follow the sidewalk around the building to the bus loop, down to Sinclair, down Nifong to the west of the baseball area, around the soccer field, across the bridge, and back to the starting area. 
The kids should be able to go around at least 2 times, and hopefully 3 times.
We will blow a horn at around 4:05 to signal ending the run.  Everyone will meet on the blacktop for our Color Blast. 
Should be lots of fun!!

Have a great night!