Monday, May 14, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did Field Day! There were stations. There was one where we got to eat popsicles. There was a game called Mosquito Tag. You have a noodle and they try to touch others. If you get tagged then you have to pretend to itch. There is one station where you have a partner and you have a frog in your hula hoop. You take your frog and try to throw it in the bucket of water. If you make it you take the lily pad. (Brooklynn)

There was a station that had water. We had big soda bottles, a sponge, and a bucket of water. You would dunk the sponge in the bucket and run up to the person with the bottle on their head and you would squeeze it out to get water inside. (Maclyn)

We are going to watch a movie. It is Moana! Mrs. Flanagin’s class is going to be in here. We will watch half in here and the other half in the music room. (Isaac)

We did writing. We wrote about our weekend. (Britt) Our last Monday News!

We read Mercy Watson. We finished the 3rd book! It was called Mercy Watson Fights Crime. There was a thief named Leroy Ninker. He stole a lot of stuff in the Watson’s house. At the end Mercy was sitting on him! We are going to start the 4th book. It is called Mercy Watson Princess in Disguise. (Joshua)

We had an awesome day! (Carmel Grace)

Field Day was so much fun! Make sure you check out the pictures on Class Dojo!

I hope you can make it to the program on Friday at 2:20 pm in the cafeteria! Make sure you are a few minutes early because seating goes quickly! The kids are excited to sing for you! The kids can dress however they would like that day!

Have a great night!