Thursday, October 5, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to art and we painted our pinch pots. We don’t get to take them home yet. (AJ)

We did morning buzz. (Isaac)

We did math. We had bunny snacks and we did counting backwards. We took one away each time and ate them and we had a smaller number. (Madelynn)

Nurse Jackie came to teach us about germs. We watched Sid the Science kid. (Maclyn)

We did Daily 5. We learned a new choice where we get to do letters. (Dempsey)

We did Fundations. We did the letter n. (Ismael)

We did writing. We wrote about our favorite community helper. (Wilson)

We did inside recess. (Joshua)

We read Counting Kisses because we were practicing counting backwards. We sang 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed and 5 Green and Speckled Frogs. (Brooklynn and Emma)

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Heavenly Hats Foundation National Hat Parade day!  Your students can donate $1 to wear a hat to help provide new hats for cancer patients.

Have a great night!