Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did art. We did lines. (Wilson)

We did Daily 5. We had some new word work choices. (Ismael)

We did the next season in our apple tree book. It was summer. We drew little apples and made leaves with construction paper. (Madelynn and Emma)

We did white boards at morning meeting. (Brooklynn)

We did Fundations time. We learned that the letter i can make 2 different sounds. (Maclyn)

We did the temperature on the thermometer. (Dempsey)

We did our poem My Apple Tree. We learned that pointing to the words helps us keep track. If you say too many words you should go back and try again. (Joshua)

We did math. We cut our rectangles. We learned that a square is a special kind of rectangle. It has 4 sides and 4 vertices. (Carmel Grace, Erin, Wilson, and Isaac)

We read a book called Apples. (Brooklynn)

We did the calendar. (Emma)

Thank you for signing up for the apple tasting day! Please send in items tomorrow morning!

Fun Fest is Friday!
Here is additional information (from K teacher Beth Dixon) if you have questions about the event!

Our Cougar Fun Fest is October 13th from 5:00-8:00pm. This is a family fun night as well as a fundraising opportunity for our PTA. PTA very generously supports our classrooms in a variety of ways including field trips, classroom materials, technology, assemblies, playground equipment, and much more. In order to meet the school’s needs, the PTA works very hard to raise funds that go directly back into your child’s classroom. We hope that the information below answers all your questions so you know what to expect!

Classroom Raffle Baskets:
Each classroom is responsible for creating a basket of themed items. These baskets will be displayed in the Commons during Fun Fest. You may purchase raffle tickets prior to Fun Fest or the day of the Fun Fest. Tickets are $1 each or 6 tickets for $5. Once you have your tickets, you will place your name and phone number on the back of each ticket. Then you may choose which raffle basket you would like to win. You will place your raffle tickets in a bucket next to the basket you hope to win. If your ticket is pulled out you win the basket. These drawings are done at the end of Fun Fest. If you need to leave the Fun Fest early and your ticket gets pulled, your basket will be available in the office for pickup.

Pumpkin Drop:
Pumpkin drop is a very popular part of our Fun Fest. The Fun Fest committee will be selling pumpkin numbers in the Commons the week of Fun Fest. Each number purchased corresponds to a small foam pumpkin. You are purchasing pumpkin numbers for a chance to win a wide range of prizes. On the soccer field a target will be marked with numbered flags. Each flag will represent a prize. A hot air balloon (weather permitting) will be raised above the target and the numbered pumpkins will be dropped to the target. The pumpkin that lands closest to each numbered flag will win the prize that correlates with that flag. Watching the pumpkins drop is always exciting and the winners will be posted in the Commons during the Fun Fest. Prizes will be available to be picked up in Mrs. Flanagin’s room during the Fun Fest. Pumpkin drop tickets sell out quickly. There are a limited number of pumpkins that can be purchased. Please make sure to purchase your pumpkins early so that you can be part of this fun event!

On the black top, there will be a large variety of fun carnival games for kids to play as well as a bounce house. You will have the opportunity to purchase game bands prior to the Fun Fest and also at the Fun Fest. The bands will permit your child to participate in all games. These are super fun and lots of prizes can be won. Bands cost $10 each. Each child playing must have their own game band.

Silent Auction:
The Silent Auction will be located in the Gymnasium. There are a wide variety of items at all price points. Please make sure to stop by and check out many of the fabulous items donated to our auction. We are always looking for great donations for our auction, so if you have an item or idea for the silent auction, please let your child’s teacher know.

Food Trucks:
Food Trucks will be at the Fun Fest for food purchase. A portion of all food sales will be donated back to Mill Creek.