Friday, October 27, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Our 3rd grade buddies came to our classroom and we made a candy corn guy. (Isaac)

We went to art. We did painting. (Wilson)

We did math workstations. (AJ)

We did Daily 5. (Joshua)

We did math. We did a trick or treating thing with paper candy and paper bag. We put the candies on top of it. Mrs. Hotchkiss told us a story and we had to use the candies. (Maclyn) Great way to practice telling simple addition and subtraction story problems. These are coming home today if you would like to try some this weekend!

We did morning buzz. (Blake)

We did the weather. It was very cold. (Madelynn)

We did the calendar. (Ismael and Sky)

We did the schedule. (Audylynn)

We did the Zero the Hero Stomp for 50 days of school. (Dempsey)

We celebrated Carmel Grace’s birthday. We had applesauce and granola bars. (Maclyn)

We did Franklin’s Halloween. (Wilson)

We did Fundations. We did the letter a. We wrote on our Fundations whiteboards. (Carmel Grace)

In the folders today you will find a copy of my Parent Teacher Conferences schedule. I have attached it to this email as well. Please look it over and make sure your time works well for you. If it doesn’t please let me know ASAP!

You will also find some homework related to our next topic: nutrition! If you would like to sign up to help with our healthy food feast on November 9th please use the following link. If works best from a desktop, laptop, or if you have the Google Docs app on your phone.

In the folder you will also find a couple of papers that we did not get to last week. No need to return these papers to me. For those of you keeping up with the math homework, we are on 3-4!

Thanks! Have a great weekend!