Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did morning buzz. We talked about our favorite animals. (Erin)

We went to P.E. We tried to knock over the cones. (Madelynn)

We did Joshua’s Me Bag. (Isaac)

We saw Joshua’s dog. We got to pet him. (Ismael)

We did Joshua’s name poster. (Brooklynn)

We did Joshua’s name page. (Maclyn)

We played a matching game in math. The dots looked like our Quick Eyes cards. (Joshua)

We are doing closing meeting. (Xander)

We did our class rules. (Audylynn)

We did Read to Someone. (Wilson) This is the next part of our Daily 5 reading time!

We did our poem. (Blake)

We read The Best Place to Read. (Carmel Grace)

We did Joshua’s name cheer. (Dempsey)

Our BMX Assembly is outside tomorrow at 1:45 p.m. 
Due to the very warm temperatures, please feel free to send towels to sit on, hats, and water bottles to school.  Please apply sunscreen before school.

Tomorrow night is also our Curriculum Night Open House from 4:30-6 pm! Come and go as you need to! We will be doing a math scavenger hunt and I will put out some math activities! Bring your student!! Many of the other grades will be doing scheduled presentations.

We hit our goal of 100 Cougar Compliments!! Your child may wear his/her pajamas all day on Friday the 22nd!  Please make sure that your child is wearing school-appropriate pajamas and tennis shoes, since we will have recess outside. Please do not send house slippers with your child to school, as they are not safe for playing on the playground.
Your child is welcome to bring a small stuffed animal as well (the toy must fit inside his or her backpack and have the ability to turn any noisemakers off). Thanks!!

Do your child enjoy art, music and dance or have an interest in writing, producing films and taking photos? Then join us and have fun unleashing his or her inner artist with PTA Reflections! This year’s theme, “Within Reach,” calls for your own unique interpretation through the arts. Pick up submission guidelines and an entry form today from the office and return by December 8th to Mrs. Myers. For inspiration, visit the Reflections national art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships at

Also please make sure you are checking Class Dojo for daily behavior reports. If you click on the tab that says "your kids" the report should pop up with the points given or the "needs work" marks. If an area is marked “needs work” I try to attach a note describing the minor incident. I do not think the app will notify you when I give points or when I mark “needs work”, it is just something that need checked daily if you would like to monitor their behavior at school. If an incident is very serious, I will call home.

Thank you! Hopefully I will see you tomorrow night!