Friday, September 8, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Our special was P.E. We were working on skipping, running, galloping, jogging, sliding, and hopping. (A.J.)

We played outside. (Sky)

We made a project. We made a family tree with our nanas and papas. (Wilson)

We did morning buzz. We talked about our favorite thing to do with our grandparents! (Blake and Britt)

We drew what we like to do with our grandparents. (Brooklynn)

We are having play time. (Landon)

We played Bingo! It was Mrs. Hotchkiss’ favorite game to play with her grandparents. (Ismael)

We read a book about grandparents. (Brooklynn)

We did recess. (Maclyn)

We did our math workstations. (Madelynn and Wilson)

We did Grandparent’s Day! (Ismael)

We read our books. It is called Read to Self. (Carmel, Erin, and Dempsey)

We did snack. (AJ)

We ate lunch. (Wilson)

I took a picture of every student with their grandparent or special guest and put it on Class Dojo! If you would like me to email you the original just let me know by replying to this email!

In the folder you will find a Math At Home book! Please use this book as an at home resource for ways to help your child’s math development. This is only a resource and does not need to be returned.

You will also find a Section 1 math letter and some math homework! I went ahead and sent home the whole section but please only complete 1-3 and 1-4. We will cover the other topics next week!

Have a great weekend!!