Thursday, September 14, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to P.E. We did different movements at the different cones. (Wilson)

We did Russell’s Me Bag. (Brooklynn)

We read our poem. (Ismael)

We had Ms. Baker come in. She talked to us about bullying. We taught us the difference between bullying and being mean. (Emma)

We talked about being kind to our friends. (Erin)

We made a promise not to be a bully. We colored a hand and put our name on it. (Audylynn)

We are doing closing meeting. (Xander)

We read The Recess Queen. We need to be nice to other kids. We don’t want to be bossy. (Maclyn)

We did Russell’s name page. (AJ)

We did morning buzz. We talked about our favorite song. (Blake)

We did math. We did Quick Eyes. Mrs. Hotchkiss holds up a big card with dots and she puts in down really fast. We have to say how many we saw. The dots were in different spots. (Carmel Grace) We are working on mental math strategies and explain our thinking!

We played outside. (Sky)

We did Russell’s name cheer and poster. (Joshua and Wilson)

We did the Zero the Hero Stomp to celebrate the 20th day of school! (Mrs. Hotchkiss)