Thursday, May 4, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had math. For math we played Roll and Build. We had a long orange piece with 10 cubes. We had some little orange squares. We had a white board, rag, and marker. We had a 10 sided dice. Whatever number you got you added that number to 10. It could 11 or 12 or a number in the teens. Then you write it on the board. (Sophia)

We had library. We were creative. We got to make our own stuff out of felt pieces, paper, or straws. We used crayons and glue. We watched a video with Kid President. He has a disease where he breaks lots of bones. (Elizabeth and Abigail)

We did writing. We wrote in our weather books. The weather is super windy and sunny. No precipitation. (Mila)
We had lunch and recess and for recess we went on the blacktop. (Evie)

We had Daily 5. We got to do 2 choices. (Brendan)

We did Fundations. We did our family words. The family word we did today was –ay. The picture gave us a clue because it was hay. We did whiteboards. We did big cards and little cards and the vowel chart. (Yahna)

We did 2 books for read aloud. One was a true or false book about storms. You had to guess. One was about severe weather. There are 4 different types of lightning. One was called Blue Jet. One was Forked lightning. The others were Heat lightning and Sheet lightning. (Bennett)

Color run is tomorrow after school!
•Participants must wear the Mill Creek Color Run 2017 t-shirt.
•Parents meet your child on the blacktop at 3:30.  Students will be dismissed to the blacktop and sit by grade level.
•We will line-up on the blacktop in grade levels with 5th grade starting the run first.   We will begin with a staggered start to the run!
•At 4:05 a horn will sound to indicate runners need to finish lap and go to the blacktop for the color blast.
•Participants must be picked up by 4:15.