Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We visited with our 3rd grade buddies, had popsicles and played on the playground for an hour. (Elizabeth)

In PE class we learned some of the games we’ll be playing on Field Day.  One station was a bug game. (Yahna)

In writing, Mrs. Hotchkiss passed out cards that said “Would you rather…”  Students would them go around and ask other students the same question on the paper that said Would you Rather. (Sophia) The students also did a survey asking kids in the class if they would rather swing or slide. We will write about our opinions tomorrow.

In Daily 5, students chose 2 choices that they haven’t done.  They chose word work, read to self or someone else or writing. (Bennett)

We had lunch and recess.  We had a substitute teacher for Ms. Donna. (Brendan & Eshan)

In fundations we did the big cards and the vowel chart. We worked with blends. Like yesterday we had little tubs that we got to guess the things inside of them, br,cr,fl.  But yesterday we were supposed to do fl but Mrs. Hotchkiss couldn’t find it.  (Sophia)

Have a great night!