Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We learned how to do Read to Someone. (Andy)

We did Fundations. We talked about the letter f. We traced the letter. (Nick)

We had Madison’s birthday. (Bennett)

We had Madison’s birthday snack. (Kiernan)

We did our One and Only Me book. We did the 3rd page. It was our favorite food. (Elizabeth and Evie)

We went to music. (Brynn)

We did the summer season in our apple tree book. It has little green apples. (Mila)

We played a game in math with the dice. We rolled the dice and counted the number and then we traced the number. (Sophia)

We read a book about apples. (Yahna)

We had lunch and recess. (Lexi)

We are doing closing meeting! (Anders)

Starting next week the kids can buy ice cream on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at lunch. The cost is 75 cents. 


Mill Creek Elementary
Kindergarten Teacher