Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did P.E. We played hop foot. You roll the ball and hit the pin over. (Bryson)

We read a book about apples. It had real facts. It was a non-fiction book. (Sophia and Anders)

We had snack. (Pricila)

We had a tornado drill during P.E. (Elizabeth)

We had lunch and recess. (Addison)

We did Read to Self. (Brynn)

We did Work on Writing. (Bennett and Abigail)

We talked about how many days we have been in school. We have been in school 32 days. (Nick)

We did calendar. (Landon)

We did our seasons of the apple tree book. We did the spring page. The tree has flowers. (Yahna, Serenity, and Mila)

We did math workstations. (Kiernan)

We read 10 Apples Up On Top. We did a project. (Evie)

We played outside. (Lexi)

We did our rules. (Brendan)

We are going to play! (Kiernan)

Our class got a Cougar Compliment. (Landon)

Have a great night!

Mill Creek Elementary
Kindergarten Teacher