Monday, October 24, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We made a scarecrow. We read the story The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything. (Nick and Addison)

We had art. We finished our spider webs. We made creepy vegetables and fruits. (Elizabeth)

We did Monday News. (Mila)

We did Fundations. We learned about the letter c. (Kiernan)

We did math. We played 5 frame memory. We got cards and we flipped them over and we tried to find the match. (Sophia)

We played Quick Eyes. (Evie)

We did our rules. (Yahna)

We had snack. (Pricila)

We had calendar and days in school. We changed our jobs. (Anders)

We did morning buzz. We shared about what did over the weekend. (Eshan)

Tomorrow is the dental clinic at school and Friday is our celebration of books!!

My sitter is sick so my husband and I are splitting the day tomorrow. The class will have Mrs. Cockrell subbing in the afternoon.

Have a great night!!