Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!!

We had an assembly. It was soccer! (Evie) This was to celebrate our fundraiser!

We did the number 2 in our book of numbers. We put paint on the number 2. (Nick and Sophia)

We did our fall scrambled sentences book. We did the 3rd page. (Elizabeth)

We are having snack. (Pricila)

We did math workstations. (Yahna)

KOMU videoed us doing the pledge of allegiance. (Sophia) I am not sure when this will air! I will keep you updated!

Ms. Biener our counselor came. We talked about how people are different. (Brendan and Nick)

We had inside recess. (Mila)

We did our rules. (Yahna)

We had calendar. We did days in school and we have been in school 48 days. (Anders)

We made a nothing into a something. (Evie) This was our creativity lesson with the gifted center!

We earned 100 Cougar Compliments. We will vote on a celebration. (Addison) We will be doing a movie and popcorn party next week! If anyone has a good kid friendly movie I could borrow I would appreciate it! Preferably rated G. Thanks!!!

Have a great night!!