Monday, May 9, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did Daily 5. We only had time for 1 choice. (Dylan)

We did writing. We did Monday News. You had to draw a picture and words. (Jayden)

For Read Aloud we read Mercy Watson Fights Crime. The new character was a thief and his name is Leroy Ninker. (Andrew)

We went to the music room and we practice songs and poems. We did ABC motions with our hands. At the end of the year we are going to show our moms and dads on the stage. (Kate) We started practicing for our K Program on May 25th!

We did Fundations. We did our big cards and little cards and vowel chart. We did tapping. We learned about blends. We learned gl-, fl-, and pl. We tapped some words that have the blends. We had to use 4 fingers. (Sophia)

We did math. We used orange blocks. One rod had 10. We made numbers in the teens. We stood up if we knew the number. Some people wrote the number. We made the numbers with the blocks on the SmartBoard. (JR)

It was the 159th day of school. We have 13 days until the last day of school. We counted the groups the 10’s in the 100’s and 10’s and we counted the ones. (Connor and James)

We did the Bump math warm up. We had to say one more than the number. We got to wiggle, snap, and clap. (Evan)

Have a great night!