Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did art. We painted flowers. (Andrew)

We did math. We played 5 in a row. You rolled 2 dice and record on a sheet. You write how many in all. You put in on your board. We wrote an addition sentence. (Kate and Kymiah)

We did Daily 5. (Jayden and Dylan)

We did some special stuff for writing. (Max)

For morning job we wrote letters to Nurse Shannon and Nurse Jackie. We drew them a picture. Today is Nurse’s Day. (Sylus)

It was the 155th day of school. (Layla)

We did read aloud. We read a book called Mercy Watson to the Rescue. We finished the book. Mercy Watson is not so helpful! Mercy Watson is a big fat pig that loves toast. The author is Kate DiCamillo and the person that drew the pictures is Chris Van Dusen. It is a really funny book. (Sophia) This is one of my favorite book series! We will be reading all 6 books in the series!

We did some made up funny words in Fundations. We wrote words on the whiteboards. (Lyrik)


Kids going to the new school!!
Kids leaving MCE to go to Ralph Elem. will be eating lunch with counselors during their regular lunch time on May 9.  If you do not want your child to attend please let me know!

Tomorrow is our dessert party! Thank you to all of the parents who have signed up to bring treats! You can bring your treat to the office before noon or drop it by the classroom first thing in the morning! I apologize in advance for the sugar rush!!

Miss Tappana’s last day will be this Thursday the 5th! If you would like to watch the memory video with us and help us present her gift please come by at 2:30 pm! Thank you for all the gift card donations! We will have a great bouquet!!

Kindergarten Picnic! On Saturday, May 7th all Kindergarten classes will be having a picnic to celebrate the end of a great school year.  This picnic will be at the Mill Creek playground from 4:30-6:00 pm.  Bring picnic blankets, a picnic, play equipment (we will not have access to any) and whatever else you might need for your family.  There will be no designated eating time….just come, visit and have fun.  Bathrooms will be available. 

Rain Plan:  If it is raining at the time of the picnic we will just cancel.  However, if it is not raining but just wet, plan accordingly as the equipment, grass and blacktop will be damp.  We will not attempt to send an email….just use your best judgment. 

Let us know if you have questions!!!

Have a great night!

May 2nd

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today:

For math we played On and Off. We used a bag of 10 cubes. We would drop them so some would land on and some would land off the paper. We wrote combinations. We wrote number sentence like 5 + 5 = 10. (Mikayla)

We did Daily 5. (Logan)

We wrote in our weather books. We did tally marks. We went through the book. We wrote about the weather for the whole week on the back. We drew a picture. (Kate and Sylus)

We wrote notes to Mr. Burlison and Mrs. Rawlings. We got to say thank you for a lot of stuff. Today is Principals Day. (Evan)

We did writing. We did our Weekend News. Two people got to share. It was Kymiah and Connor. (James)

We did music. For music we finished our video and we watched a little bit of another one. It was about a dog that goes into a coloring book. (Connor)

We did Fundations. We did our big cards, little cards, vowel chart, and played some game on the Smartboard on Starfall. They were vowel games.

Cougar Compliment Dessert Party
Wednesday is our celebration! We have not had anyone sign up on the GoogleDoc form, so please sign up if you are able to bring something in! Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UikVRC6mAfPYHqeon1e0vrxrm6q4wOd5SNXSyVPHZXU/edit?usp=sharing

Have a great Monday!