Thursday, May 12, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did a rotation. We went to Mrs. Flanagin’s. We had a shooter. We had puff ball, a wooden block, a snap cube, and a penny. We shot them in the shooter. (Connor) We did a science rotation on forces and motion and focused on pushes and pulls! Each teacher did a different activity.

We went in Mrs. Reinkemeyer’s class and we played a game called shoot the marble. We had the marble and we shot it at a wooden block. We had to hit the other marbles. We had to count how many there were in all. (Sophia)

In Mrs. Russo’s room. We made a ball go fast with blocks and whiteboards and sandpaper. (Andrew)

We went outside with Mrs. Winn. Outside we talked about pushing and pulling. Someone had to push on the swings. We took turns. We practiced pulling with jump ropes. We went down the slide and someone pushed us to make us go fast or slow. (Kate)

In Mrs. Dixon’s room we had to set up the dominos. We had to give it a push. (Layla)

We got a book in Mrs. Hotchkiss’ class about pushes and pulls. We used balls and rolled them. We talked about a little force and stronger force. We made 2 balls collide. We looked at a toy car being pulled. (Sylus)

Today is Aidan’s birthday and we ate his birthday snack. We sang happy birthday to Aidan. We ate Thomas fruit snacks. We read a book called Mercy Watson Princess in Disguise. She dressed up like a princess. (Sophia and Kymiah)

Today in your child’s folder you will find some assessments from the past year. These papers are yours to keep! The assessments not in the paper clip are the most recent. Some assessments will be kept for perm records.

Have a great night!!