Monday, May 16, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Today for math Mrs. Hotchkiss found a new game called Cover Up. You have a partner and 10 counters. You cover up some counters with your paper and your partner has to figure out how many are under the paper. You write it on your paper. (Sylus)

For writing we did Monday News. This is our last time doing Monday News. It makes me so sad! (Connor)

We did read aloud. We read Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig. Mercy Watson smelled some flowers and she ate them. Eugenia chased her! (Miklayla)

We did program practice. We sang our songs. (Ginger)

We did Daily 5. We did one choice. We picked out new books. (Dylan)

We did P.E. We played a game called hockey. (Kate)

We did Fundations. We tapped some words and wrote a sentence on the white boards. (Andrew)