Thursday, April 28, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today:

Miss Tappana’s mom came. We did a project. We turned an animal into a colorful animal. We only used colorful paper. Mrs. Kim made the paper we used. It was textured paper. We also read a book by Eric Carle. (Andrew and Mikayla)

We did P.E. What we did for P.E. is we played aerobics BINGO. We had to say BINGO if you had the most pins. (Kate)

We did the same game with apples like the other day. We made combinations of 10 and had a partner. We used cubes to make combinations. We colored in some apples on our paper. The combinations made a staircase pattern! (Sylus and Sophia and Kymiah)

We did Fundations. We did our big cards and little cards and vowel chart. We went on our white boards and wrote one word, “dash”. We did tapping and tapped some words also. (Sophia)

Pull tabs are due tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the Color Run! Don’t forget to wear your shirt if you ordered one J

We are having a dessert part next Wednesday (4/4) to celebrate earning 100 Cougar Compliments! We will send out a GoogleDoc tomorrow to sign up for a dessert!

Have a great Thursday!

Allison Tappana
