Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had P.E. We did Bingo. We also did bowling. We tried to knock the pin over. (JR, Andrew, and Ginger)

We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear because it is about colors. (Connor)

We did my Me Bag and we did my name cheer. (Kate)

We played outside. (Jayden)

We looked for diamonds around our classroom. It is also called a rhombus. (Sylus)

We did a share hunt for rhombuses. (Evan)

We got to draw in your drawing journals at Quiet Time. (Layla)

We got to draw a picture of Kate. (Sophia)

We went to inside recess because it was raining. (Evan)

We colored the animals from Brown Bear, Brown Bear so we can have color words. (Mikayla)

We started our writing journals. We also decorated them. We did 3 minutes of practicing writing. We are using the writing journals to become better writers. (Sophia, James, Connor, and Lyrik) This is for the 2nd part of the Daily 5 called Work on Writing!

Grandparents Day! Please read!!
Please take this short survey so I can know who to expect for Grandparent’s Day this Friday from 9-10 am! http://goo.gl/forms/UkN9np8Xxf

Please make sure to return field trip and Lego club forms ASAP! It looks like I am short on parent volunteers for the field trip so please let me know if you are still interested!

Tomorrow is library day! Please make sure your child has their book in their backpack!

Have a great night!