Monday, September 21, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to library and we worked on computers. (Owen and JR)

We did a poem called My Apple Tree. (Layla)

We did lunch and played outside. (Logan and Evan)

We did Sylus Me Bag and name cheer. (Lyrik and Malai)

We did Read to Self, Read to Someone, and Work on Writing all at the same time! (James)

We drew ourselves and things we like on our name posters. (Andrew)

We made me on the name page. (Sylus)

We did Sylus’ name poster. (Malai)

We wrote Sylus’ name on the white boards. (Kymiah)

We did the Mill Creek pledge. (James)

We picked out new books for our book boxes from classroom library. (Sophia)

We did the Starfall calendar and Starfall in the library. (Ginger)

We did math workstations at the beginning of the day. (Dylan)

We got to find shapes around the room! We found cube, cylinder, cone, and sphere. (Sophia and Kate) A shape hunt is coming home tonight so your child can try it at home with you!

We did snack and Mrs. Hotchkiss read The Apple Pie Tree. (Connor)


If you want to order from the book order please go to

On Friday, September 25th,  we will be having an apple tasting day.  We will be trying all things apple and then graphing our favorites.  We will be trying different types of apples and apple foods! If you would like to donate items, please sign up for an item and send it in by Thursday, September 24th.