Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We read with 3rd grade buddies. (Owen) We are buddying up with Ms. Mathes class this year! Each month we will get together to read or do something fun!

We did math workstations. (Connor and James)

We went outside and had lunch. (Logan and Ginger)

In music we got to play instruments. (Andrew)

We did a brain break song. (Sylus)

We did Mikayla’s Me bag, name cheer, name poster, name page, picture, and we wrote her name. (JR)

We did partner reading. We did Read to Someone. (Kate and Mikayla)

We read a book about friendship. Officer Buckle and Gloria. (Lyrik)

We played Fill the Hexagon. (Jayden)

We did our Mill Creek Stars poem. (Sophia)

Have a great night!