Thursday, May 21, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had field day. We did a car wash game and a game where we put a bottle on our heads. Someone held a sponge and squeezed it into the bottle. (Pritish and Emily)

We had a movie with Mrs. Reinkenmeyer’s class. It was Charlotte’s Web. It was fun and kind of funny. (Livi and Blair)

We had Lexie T.’s birthday. The cookies said Teen Titans Go. She got to pass the extras around to teachers. (Tristan, Adeline, and Brooke)

We had program practice. We practiced standing up. It was at 11:30 am. We sang all the songs. We pretended the parents were watching. (Kate and Livi)

Our 3rd grade buddies came because we filled up our cougar compliment cougar paw. We got to pick our partners. They went on a reading road trip! (Adeline and Kate)

We did writing and for writing we wrote a story about our favorite stations from Field Day. We did writing before Charlotte’s Web. (Kamri and Aidin)