Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We read a book called Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig. We got to my favorite part! Animal Control Officer Francine Poulet jumps out of the tree! (Anna)

We did writing. For writing we told people our opinions. (Aidin) We used “Would you rather..” scenarios to practice giving opinions. The students used a survey form to find out if our class would rather swing or slide on the playground.

We went to our program practice at 11:30. (Kate) This will be May 26th at 2:20 pm in the cafeteria! We hope you can attend our end of the year singing program! It’s a real tear jerker!

We did library. We checked out books early. We got to go in the art room downstairs because some of the grownups were having a meeting. We played on Destiny on laptops and played a little bit of Fast Math. We watched 2 little videos. (Adeline, Kate, Aidin, and Emily) This will be their last time checking out books this year.

We did math workstations and Daily 5. (Emily and Lexi B)

We saw Miss Glenn and Miss S. We got to give them a hug, high five, handshake or smile. (Brooke)

We did science. We are going to take home a book about living  and non-living things. We did a living things sort. We sorted living things by habitats. (Tristan and Adeline)

Have a great night!!