Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did art. In art we splattered paint around paper. It’s called action painting. We watched a video about painting. The painter was a 7 year old girl! (Adeline, Kate, Emily, and Blair)

We finished the 5th Mercy Watson book. (Pritish and Anna)

We did writing. In writing we wrote about if we would rather swing or slide. (Zain)

We went to program practice. (Aidin)

We did Fundations. For Fundations we did the vowel chart and we spelled “toast” with the big cards. (Anna)

We got 100 Cougar Compliments! We are going to have a Mercy Watson toast party! We will play a Mercy Watson game on the SmartBoard. (Tristan)

We did Daily 5. We got to pick our 2nd choice. Mrs. Hotchkiss picked our first choice. Some kids finished letters to Miss Paula from Hy-Vee. (Aidin)

We did math. We did word problems. We used pictures to help us. (Lexi B.)

We did science. In science, we read a science magazine about plants. (Zain)

We did math workstations. (Adeline)

Have a great night!